CD Information

Sunset Colors CD

New! Sunset Colors: 11 tracks of Easy Listening music with Moyo Drums, acoustic guitar, world flutes and light percussion.

Good Vibrations:  Relaxation Music. Very gentle sounds of Moyo Drums with light percussion.

Caravan Dance:  World Music.  Upbeat music including Moyo Drums and world instruments. Middle Eastern vibe.


Please listen to Moyo Meditations sound sample.  Same voice guiding and Moyo Drum music.

Guided Meditations with Dhavani Drums.  4 tracks 10 minutes each with affirmations to improve your life. Vibrational Therapy.

Living In Gratitude CD

No Sound Sample.  Listen to Moyo Meditations sample, same voice guiding & background music

New!  Living In Gratitude.  Guided Meditations for personal growth designed to   expand your life experience.


Divine Connections: 7 tracks of assorted drums including the 528 hertz Bhakti Drum and the Santam Drum.

        No song sample, the entire CD is only one track

Moyo Chant:  Relaxation Music.  One 60 minute track of Moyo Drum, Chinese flute and Gregorian chant.


Corners of the World: 9 tracks of easy listening music.  Moyo Drums, light guitar and percussion sounds.  Very gentle light music.

Oneness meditations CD

No Sound Sample. Listen to Moyo Meditations sample, same voice guiding & background music

New! Oneness Meditations: Guided Meditations for pure connection and deep forgiveness.


432 Divinities: 7 relaxing tracks of Dhavani Drums and Moyo Drums tuned in A432 hertz. 

Moyo Meditations:  Guided Meditaions for each Chakra with corresponding Moyo Drum in the background.  Vibraional Therapy.


Advanced Flute Back Tracks:  16 Play along tracks, NOT Native style.  Blues, Jazz, Easy Listening styles.  Break out of your box and play something new! Not designed for beginners.